Friday, November 7, 2008

Week 10 Readings

I have never heard of the deep web until reading this article. The deep web is 500 times more vast than the regular web. I think this interesting and very useful, especially involving research. Since the deep web is more direct in searching, it is even more beneficial.The quality is evidently superior than the regular web. After reading the article, I learned some elements about search engines that i did not know. One in particular is bright planet technology which seems to be great for research and advanced in technology. I also did not know that JSTOR would be considered as a deep website, but I guess it would make sense. JSTOR is for academic research. So the next time I do research, I will try some of the websites listed as deep websites. I am sure the websites will be very beneficial.

1 comment:

Alison said...

Hi Jabari-
I agree with your comments about the "Deep Web". I knew that there was a lot of info out there, but had no idea the depth. It makes me wonder what I have been missing! I think next time I need to help someone at my job that can't find what they are looking for on the traditional pages, this may help. It was nice to meet you last weekend!